Friday, January 9, 2009

Sorry I haven't blogged this week

I've been traveling and writing and just haven't gotten to add to this blog this week. I apologize.

It is Friday, Best of...

I'm going to turn the tables on the "Best of" series this week. Instead of me telling you what is great, how 'bout you take a minute to tell me? Over the weekend, send me a message or comment on this blog post and tell me what is the Best Book you've read lately. I'll be sure to post all of your suggestions! Thanks.


Sammas said...

"The Shack" - not done with it yet, but a great read so far!

"Jurassic Park" - rereading it right now, and it's even better than I remembered it.

helms said...

EVERYONE says the Shack is great, Sam. I should really pick it up.

I've never read Jurassic park, but I do know how to detect when a dinosaur is coming. Just keep an eye on that glass of water over there!